Monday, January 20, 2014

Does The Tribulation  Include the Wrath? 

There is much discussion today about the Tribulation and the Wrath. Modern dispensationalists interpret The Tribulation as including the terrible wrath of the Lamb judgments of the Revelation. This belief has been instrumental in the widespread acceptance among conservative evangelicals of a pretribulation rapture. 

However, the early church did not interpret the substance of the Tribulation as including the wrath judgments. They, along with the church-at-large for the first almost nineteen centuries, also interpreted the duration of the Tribulation differently than is popularly taught today. 

The question is: What was the interpretation called that changed modern understanding about the Tribulation?  

These answers can be found in the chapter entitled “Is the Tribulation Misunderstood Today?” in my newly released book: The Approaching Storm: How Early Church Fathers Interpreted End Time Events. 

Hope to hear from you about this.

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